pondělí 24. července 2017


Sales, Supplies, and Service. Není to k jídlu, přesto jde o velmi poutavou náplň volného času, ze které se. Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless.

Budete si ich môcť vypočuť iba na internete z offline úložiska, na ktoré sa dostanete z našej stránky hamradio. Prezídium SZR zároveň vyzýva všetkých. I made tons of HF contacts while mobile, DX and stateside. This is only a portion of what I decided to put in video.

The MLS team are always ready to pay TOP MONEY for. Ham radio is more confusing than it needs to be. Do you need a license? Experts make it easy with this free, one-page.

The international amateur radio exhibition is the platform for ham enthusiasts from all over the world. Cutting-Edge Remote Technology. Fully Portable High Performance.


Operate stations with just your web browser – no hardware or software is required. It Is a lifeline during emergency events. Radiokluby, Sponzoři, Přátele.

Tohle je nejlepsi TRX - FT-8od YAESU: YAESU FT-8- best TRX all over the world. The hobby of amateur radio communication. OK1RBM aka HAM radio.

Die internationale Amateurfunk-Ausstellung ist die Plattform für Funker aus der ganzen Welt. Everyone has heard of ham radio, but do you actually know what it is? Recently, the idea of amateur radio caught my attention, and I decided to.

Software Packages in "buster", Subsection hamradio. In natural or man-made disasters, ham-radio enthusiasts put their hobby to work. POZOR NAJVÄČŠÍ SVETOVÝ KV ZÁVOD UŽ TENTO VÍKEND! CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB časť – 29.

UTC Druh prevádzky. The latest Tweets from HAMRADIO. An amateur radio operator is an individual who typically uses equipment at an amateur radio station to engage.


Antennas, experiments, engineering and other articles of interest to radio folks.

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